TASBEFlowAnalytics Excel Interface User Guide

A new feature of the TASBE Flow Analytics package is an Excel interface that provides a user-friendly interface between raw FCS data and current TASBE data analysis tools. Using a template spreadsheet, scientists can document important aspects of their experiments without having to worry about writing Matlab code. Currently, the template is organized into the following sheets:

Note: All file paths are relative to the location of the spreadsheet template unless they are absolute paths.

User Instructions

An example of the template is located at TASBEFlowAnalytics-Tutorial titled batch_template.xlsm. This example spreadsheet uses the tutorial FCS data. The code needed to run the template is in the newest release of TASBEFlowAnalytics. The following sections describe specific features for each template sheet. There are more notes highlighted in green throughout the spreadsheet.




Comparative Analysis

Transfer Curve Analysis

Optional Settings

Next Steps

Before running TASBE Flow Analytics, make sure you have installed TASBE and are not just running it from the directory. Installation instructions are can be found here.

After completing and saving the template spreadsheet, the actual analysis can be run in two ways:

  1. Run the function analyzeFromExcel (located in the code directory of TASBEFlowAnalytics) from MATLAB with the file path of the spreadsheet as the input and the type (‘colormodel’, ‘batch’, ‘plusminus’, or ‘transfercurve’). analyzeFromExcel will then create a TemplateExtraction object and run the correct analysis. Don’t forget to click the “Update Filenames” button before running any analysis.
  2. Click the run buttons located in each sheet of the template. From there, analyzeFromExcel is automatically called with the correct inputs. The TASBESession log would then be outputted near the bottom of the relevant sheet in the form of a progress bar. The template contains some more detailed instructions on how to set up the buttons. There are also cancel buttons for each analysis. Cooperative multitasking is implemented to allow users to continue modifying the template while an analysis is running. This feature currently only works with Windows.

Note: The code is based on the coordinates of several important variables. You can adjust those coordinates accordingly using the setExcelCoordinates function within the TemplateExtraction class.